All our productions have multiple departments, staffed by volunteers who bring their talents to the table. Pretty much every SPARE show needs people in all the following areas:
Spotlight operators
Set construction crew
Load-in and set-up crew
Box office staff
Concessions workers
Cast members
Pit musicians (musicals only)
Backstage performance crew
Wardrobe assistants
Lighting board operator
Sound board operator
We try to fill as many of these positions with volunteers as we can, but sometimes restrictions require us to contract with someone for one or two of them; for instance, venues often require us to use their own lighting and sound board operators.
If you participate with monetary compensation in any of these areas for a production and you complete what your department head deems all your originally agreed-upon volunteer duties, the production will count toward your SPARE membership!
If you want to be involved in a SPARE show and you can’t figure out how, e-mail and, and someone will send you the right information!
The cast of the Drowsy Chaperone Performs 'Fancy Dress'
Into the Woods Tech Director Matt Vegiard and Nicole Mulligan build scenic elements