Getting involved with SPARE is easy! All you have to do is volunteer for a show – whether by being in the cast, working backstage crew, playing in a pit orchestra, being an usher for all the performances, helping to build a set, or any number of other jobs that need to get done for a show’s success. Once you’re done, the show counts toward your SPARE membership!
SPARE’s lifeblood is our volunteers. We simply could not provide the opportunities we do and produce high-quality shows without their work. SPARE is run by and for volunteers; if you volunteer with us, you become a member and you can help us make decisions about the company’s future.
Our volunteer members give so much because they love what SPARE stands for and what we do. If you’re looking for a way to help SPARE out by volunteering with us, we have a few different ways you can do that. Click a heading below for more info.
Into the Woods Stage Manager Kassidy Shea Talks to her Assistant Julie LeVone, Canaan Harris, and Steven Stanton during rehearsal.
Productions →
By far the biggest pieces of SPARE’s operations are our full-scale productions. When we put on plays and musicals, it takes a lot of work from a lot of people – and not just the people you see on stage!
Production Teams →
If you’re ready to take your participation to the next level, consider volunteering for a production team! These are the people who lead our shows and make them so incredible – they’re vital to our company’s overall success, and we love having fun, motivated people in leadership roles!
Fundraisers →
Fundraisers are the way we make money for the company’s operations, and they are another great way to help us out. All our fundraisers are managed through our fundraising committee, and we’re always looking for people to work them.
Committees →
Committees are open to all SPARE members and they help plan our and execute different parts of our operations.